The branch that we meet in for church has around twenty regular sacrament attendees (of which the West’s account for 6). Because of this, the branch presidency met with each family and discussed the size and initialised discussion as to closing the branch and amalgamating the membership with one of the surrounding wards or branches.
On the back of these discussions, we recommended closure of the branch. Stake concurred and forwarded the recommendation to Area, along with boundary options. Area ratified the decision and forwarded to the church boundaries committee for approval. A lot of bureaucracy but the
While waiting for the confirmation, we have been running things as we should, preparing for Christmas and arranging activities…
…Until yesterday morning when the community centre we meet in burned down. (Retford Times article about the fire)
And I mean really burned down.
Everything melted!
And so we now are meeting with Worksop Branch until we get the official word about where each family is going.
Wow! That's sad! But talk about timing as well if you had already been preparing to move around anyway! Are you guys excited that you'll get to be in a bigger ward?