Wednesday, 27 June 2012

Thinking about Christmas....

I know what you are thinking, already?!

Yes, this year we will be having an extra special Christmas!
It will all begin (as it always does in our house) at Thanksgiving.
We certainly have A LOT to be thankful for this year...
I can't wait to go and pick out our tree at the place we did last year,
That was sooooo fun!!!
We plan on being 'just us' for Christmas itself, it will be the first for many years!

But anyway that is not the point of this post....
Getting carried away again....
Ohhh I do love Christmas!
I am hoping that this year I can make the children a special personalised gift.
No idea yet what to do, but I think pinterest will be able to help there!
But making a personalised gift for 6 children takes alot of time 
so early prep is a must!

I was thinking about using David's wonderful writing and being funny skills to write the children a story,
and then I would illustrate it and get them priniting as nice hard back books.
Our children Love to read...

Obviously Santa will be bringing a nice gift too 
but I think it would be lovely for the children to have something 
that will last longer than plastic of the lastest game.

Must get my thinking cap on!!
Any ideas, please do share them!

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Hello World!

Yesterday David started his (hopefully) last round of Chemo!!
It will be so amazing to be done with the Cancer treatments,
and be able to say, at least for now, we have won the fight!
Who know's what the future holds, but we are thankful for every extra day!

We made the most of the last few weeks,
(David's chemo was delayed for a couple of weeks due to a cold and then low white blood cells)
So as David actually felt pretty fit we made the most of it!
We went on hikes and bike rides and picnics.

Oh and tree climbing and duck feeding...

Every one had lots of fun.

Sammy climbed the highest...

But Oliver the Brave gave it a jolly good go.... 
I think this child is going to be jumping out of planes and other crazy things by his teens!

He is so blummin' strong and fearless!

The older boys have far more energy than us and tend to go weaving in and out of the trees,
walking at least double the distance we do.

We are a family who love to be outdoors!

We are very excited about the Summer holidays,
Lots more hiking, camping, sleeping on the beach, biking and picnics etc to look forward too!

Until then David will be doing alot of.....


When all is said and done life is pretty great!