I know what you are thinking, already?!
Yes, this year we will be having an extra special Christmas!
It will all begin (as it always does in our house) at Thanksgiving.
We certainly have A LOT to be thankful for this year...
I can't wait to go and pick out our tree at the place we did last year,
That was sooooo fun!!!
We plan on being 'just us' for Christmas itself, it will be the first for many years!
But anyway that is not the point of this post....
Getting carried away again....
Ohhh I do love Christmas!
I am hoping that this year I can make the children a special personalised gift.
No idea yet what to do, but I think pinterest will be able to help there!
But making a personalised gift for 6 children takes alot of time
so early prep is a must!
I was thinking about using David's wonderful writing and being funny skills to write the children a story,
and then I would illustrate it and get them priniting as nice hard back books.
Our children Love to read...
Obviously Santa will be bringing a nice gift too
but I think it would be lovely for the children to have something
that will last longer than plastic of the lastest game.
Must get my thinking cap on!!
Any ideas, please do share them!