Tuesday, 24 May 2011

There is ALWAYS something to smile about!

No matter how bad your day is...
No matter how many things have gone wrong....
No matter how sad you feel....
No matter how desperate you are...

Remember if a Melon can find something to smile about...

You can too!!

Life is fab!!!
(and so are YOU!!)

Saturday, 21 May 2011

Theme Thursday - Love!

I know it's not Thursday anymore but I have just found this fab blog called...
Another Day Another Diaper.
Once a week they give you a theme and you submit a photo which fits with the theme.

I love photo challenges and sharing photos...
I love looking at other peoples photos too!
So this is perfection for me.

Anyway here is my Love photo:

I hope you like it!

Click the button and take a look at Everyone Else's fabulous photo's!
I found it hard to choose a single photo for this week so here are the others I had to pick from...

She loves her daddy!!

He loves his baths!!

They love their Grandmamumsy!!

.... An odd choice I know, but I loved this ladybird picture....
and Oliver loved eating it shortly after I took the photo....
Odd boy!!

Thursday, 19 May 2011

Visiting Teaching - May 2011

I know it's a little late in the month...
But just in case some of you have not been out yet...
I thought I would share with you the message I have put together for this month.

Feel free to use it if you like!!

(If you do please let me know you have and I will post my ideas for future months too!!)

As this month's message is to be taken from the last General Conference I have re-listened to a number of talks and decided to teach with the talk by Quentin L. Cook, entitled LDS Women Are Incredible!

I have to say I really do think they are!!!

The whole talk is fabulous, however I have decided to use the section entitled...

Women in the Church Today Are Strong and Valiant

Below is the Handout I have prepared to give to my lovely sisters....

And then I will relate the section I have selected....

I believe the women of the Church today meet that challenge and are every bit as strong and faithful. The priesthood leadership of this Church at all levels gratefully acknowledges the service, sacrifice, commitment, and contribution of the sisters.

Much of what we accomplish in the Church is due to the selfless service of women. Whether in the Church or in the home, it is a beautiful thing to see the priesthood and the Relief Society work in perfect harmony. Such a relationship is like a well-tuned orchestra, and the resulting symphony inspires all of us.

When I was recently assigned to a conference in the Mission Viejo California Stake, I was touched by an account of their four-stake New Year’s Eve youth dance. Following the dance, a purse was found with no outside identification. I share with you part of what Sister Monica Sedgwick, the Young Women president in the Laguna Niguel stake, recorded: “We didn’t want to pry; this was someone’s personal stuff! So we gingerly opened it and grabbed the first thing that was on top—hopefully, it would identify her. It did, but in another way—it was a For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. Wow! This told us something about her. Then we reached in for the next item, a little notebook. Surely this would give us answers, but not the kind we were expecting. The first page was a list of favorite scriptures. There were five more pages of carefully written scriptures and personal notes.”

The sisters immediately wanted to meet this stalwart young woman. They returned to that purse to identify its owner. They pulled out some breath mints, soap, lotion, and a brush. I loved their comments: “Oh, good things come out of her mouth; she has clean and soft hands; and she takes care of herself.”
They eagerly awaited the next treasure. Out came a clever little homemade coin purse made from a cardboard juice carton, and there was some money in a zippered pocket. They exclaimed, “Ahh, she’s creative and prepared!” They felt like little children on Christmas morning. What they pulled out next surprised them even more: a recipe for Black Forest chocolate cake and a note to make the cake for a friend’s birthday. They almost screamed, “She’s a HOMEMAKER! Thoughtful and service minded.” Then, yes, finally some identification. The youth leaders said they felt greatly blessed “to observe the quiet example of a young lady living the gospel.” 

The whole talk is available here:

I hope someone else can find this useful!!
Thanks for looking!

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

Give a little Love!

Recently.... well always actually
I wonder to my self, do I do enough?
The answer to the question is simply NO!
When our world is filled with need, hurt, disease, starvation, heartbreak, murder, war and many more terrible things..... is it enough for us to just merrily go about our lives without helping?

It may be limited what we can do,
but what you can offer the world may be just whats makes a world of difference to one person.
Willingly and lovingly giving what we can offer can also change our lives too.

[FRAMED] show..... my favorite show.... have done a fabulous job of highlighting this.
This week's film they have followed an inspirational family and specifically an individual named
Benjamin Edwards.
His family have very little as far as we would expect a person who is rich to have,
However they are some of the richest people I have ever heard of!
They have experienced first hand from there trips to Africa what life is really about.
They know what is important and they make their lives about doing those important things,

Click on this link to see why they are just so amazing!

Now, I had already been wondering what I can do to make a difference to someones life.
I can't at this time go to somewhere like Africa but I can give of myself here.
I want to give a little camera love to someone who needs some cheering up and who wouldn't
otherwise get it.
I would like to offer my talent to help give a family some much needed happy memories.
If you know someone who needs this then please let me know.
It may be that they are struggling with cancer, loss or hardship.
Please contact me with their name, and details of why they are so amazing and needing a smile.

I know what I can offer is by no means as much as is required to make a real change in this world,
However if I can change a few lives even for a few moments 
Then for now that will do..... at least until I can give more, be more and do more!

I would like to invite you to change someones life too,
even the smallest of gestures and make a world of difference to someones life.
Let them know you care, and they are not alone!!

You can message me here or click below on m y Facebook page and message me there!

Thanks for looking!

Monday, 16 May 2011

I Heart Faces - Florals

This weeks I Heart Faces challenge is a little bit different...
As the I Heart Faces team head off to San Antonio for their 'Dream Big' workshop...
They have decided to let us loose with florals and even more exciting is that they are letting us add as many photo's this week as we like!1

Even more wonderful is that I have loads of photo's to enter this week as I have been busy snapping away flowers at every opportunity!

So here goes, 
I hope my floral's brighten your day a little bit and help you to see just how amazing the world is!

If you like what you see then 'click'on our Facebook button at the bottom and see more!!

 And my Favorite one for last...

I hope you have enjoyed my Floral photo's, 
I certainly enjoyed taking them!

If you liked these then I know you will like all of the other submissions so 'click' below and take a look!!!

Thanks for looking!

Saturday, 14 May 2011

Oliver is 1 already!!!

This week is Oliver's 1st ever Birthday!!!
We had his little birthday party today,
His birthday is actually on Tuesday but you can't celebrate on a school day!

Oliver is the yummiest little boy ever...

OK so we decided to have a little party for him which even when it's only for us is alot of work...

We decided we would make everything from scratch...
Seen to many How it's made shows..
and knowing what goes in our food has put me off buying ready made!

Ummm yummy summer fruits..

Ummm Cheese and seed puff pastry fingers...

And of course my secret recipe cookies!!

And you have to have jelly at any good party!!

And my new favorite my steak and onion pies!!

OK so back over to the Lovely, Amazing and Wonderful Birthday Boy!

Oliver has been utterly spoilt with pressies from family and friends!

He even got an extra surprise when the post man knocked on the door this morning with a special Teddy Bear from his Great Grandparents Talbot - Ashby!!
We will have some photos with Oliver's new little friend in the next couple of days!
Thank you Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Talbot - Ashby!!!!

Oliver had sooo much fun as you can see from his beaming smile!

Oliver rather enjoyed his pressy from The Fabulous De Luca family..... 
Thank you!!

I like to think Oliver's favorite gift was his new camera!!!

Well we hope you have enjoyed sharing a little bit of Oliver's birthday.
We are so happy to have this gorgeous little man in our family,
and feel privileged to know him!

Happy Birthday Oliver!!!

We Love You!

Break the Cake!!

We have been having lots of fun over here!
Oliver is turning 1!!
So we decided to let him loose on his birthday cake.

When we had finished the session... 
Oliver was a little less convinced about stopping...

Where's my cake?!

These sessions are now available for booking.
For more information please contact us at

or join us on Facebook
Thanks for looking!