Wednesday, 17 August 2011

New Blog...

I have just started another blog,
It does not replace this one but compliments it.
I decided instead of posting lots of family fun ideas and visiting teaching ideas here
I would start a blog purely for those posts and keep this one about photography and our family going's on.
If you would like to check it out you can find it here:

I hope you like the new blog and take some time to go and have a look.

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Because You're Fabulous.....

With David having served his mission in America,
and Rebecca spending many of her early years on American army bases...
We like to celebrate some American holidays in our home.
Our favorite one has to be Thanksgiving.
It is a perfect opportunity to show how much we love each other,
and how grateful we are for all we have..
and for the wonderful people we have in our lives.

We are always looking for fantastic new traditions we can enjoy in our home.
I found a beautiful glass jar at Wilkinsons for just £5.00!!
It just jumped of the shelf into my arms...
saying "buy me, buy me!!"
To which I replyed "for what purpose do I need you?"
"I don't know yet but you will know soon, trust me, buy me!" said the jar.
So I lovingly agreed as it clearly did not want to stay at the shop anymore....
Maybe it was being bullied by the bigger jars...
I just don't know but I had a loving home and knew I could share it with this fabulous jar!

So it then occured to me,
I wanted a nice box to keep on the table so we could all leave nice notes
of why we love each other and things we are thankful for.
So that on Thanksgiving day we can sit and read them out
and everyone will know they are loved and worthwhile.

The jar said " I can do that, I would love to hold all that love and happiness inside me!"
What could I say but "yes!!".
So not only does the little jar get a new home
but gets to be filled with all the love our house holds too!!

Here is our little friend ready for compliments...

Isn't she lovely!

Oh and for those bargain hunters out there...
The twine is on sale at Wilkinsons, 
I bought a HUGE roll of twine must be about 300 metres for under £1!
The kind you use for craft project.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

The Ultimate In Dating.....

I just have to share this site with all you fabulous Lurrrrvvvveee birds!!

This is FABULOUS!!!
I love this site, it's all about fun, refreshing dating ideas....

For us old marrieds!!!!


Monday, 1 August 2011

Daddy Love....

Boys are fabulous!
No matter how old they are they like a good tumble,
and to play!

While on holiday and visiting the Great British Seaside
I caught my wonderful husband indulging in a little...
well, rough play I guess would be the best way to describe it.

Poor Sammy....
Though I wonder if actually the smile on his face says he LOVED it too!!

Boys will play!

I Heart Faces - Landscapes

This weeks challenge is Landscapes.

Which is perfect as I have just finished editing this picture of my son.

We were on holiday last week and had a fab day at the seaside.

Fabulous memories!

Thanks for looking!

Sunday, 31 July 2011

A pair of white trousers...

This has been one heck of a week for us.
It started with Harrison getting baptised
and then led onto a week camping
(pictures and blog to follow...)

Harrison had a fabulous day!
We are so proud of him.
The talks were wonderful...
Thanks to two fabulous ladies.

It's crazy to think only eight years ago he was a 
9lbs 10oz mass a cuddliness!

Harrison had a lovely table along side the food after his baptism.
He had a very sweet idea that he would like to remember his day and everyone who came.
We had a think and decided the best way to do it was...

To ask everyone to leave a nice note...
in case you can't read what he wrote, here is a bigger version...

Lots of lovely people left wonderful messages 
which are now sitting soundly in Harrison's new journal.

We like to give the children a special new journal on their baptism day.
So they can write how they feel and about who they are.
What better day to start writing your life journey than the day of joining the true church?!

Thanks to everyone who was involved in and who came to celebrate the day with Harrison.
You made it extra special for him!

Saturday, 23 July 2011

He's growing up....

This weekend not only marks the end of the school year but also the start of an era for one member of the West household.
Harrison is being baptised this weekend!
We are so excited for him and proud of him.
I didn't want to post until tomorrow,
but as I won't get the chance tomorrow I am doing it now.

He is such a fabulous boy, 
always so happy and a joy to know.
 He is very excited about the choice he has made to be baptised.

To celebrate we went for a little mini shoot a couple of days ago.
We wanted his program to be personal,
and to reflect a little bit of what makes Harrison,
well Harrison.

So here is what we came up with...


He very excited about his choice.

So, now to go and finish making the food....

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Cakes, Balloons, giggles and fun...

Monday we had our yearly school fayre.
So much hard work and planning went into this event,
With everyone pulling together to make it work.

We had:
  • Tin Can Alley
  • Cake stall
  • Beautiful flower stall
  • Tombola
  • Face Painting
  • Lemonade stall
  • Homemade Jam and Scones stall
  • Hook 'a' Duck
  • Lots of fun shows and displays
  • Comic Foreground Photography
The photography side of things didn't work out to well for the first half..
The Best of British Fayre had the Normal British Weather!
But once the Sun came out it was fabulous!

The fabulous Mums made lots of beautiful cakes.

 Our wonderful local Caterpillar Music Rep helped the children make ribbon things
(No one seemed to know what they are called!)
And the led them in dancing and maypole dancing.
Lots of fun was had by everyone.

The children enjoyed winning prizes for the games...

The flower stall 
(which a large amount of flowers from where grown from seed by an amazing Super Mum!)
Had some gorgeous flowers from Sunflowers to Foxcloves.

And as you can see Balloons were sold too.
Toward the end some of the smaller children and one or two adults were getting tired...

Well it was a good day for all and lots of money was raised.
Big Thanks to all who helped and all who came!

Saturday, 16 July 2011

What's more British than the Seaside?!...

On Monday we are having our school Fete.
The theme is 'Best of British'.

We are having loads of different stalls 
from strawberries and cream
to bowl the pig (not 100% sure what that one involves!)

I offered to do a comic foreground and photographs on the day....
Must have been mad as I had no idea how to make one or if I could draw well enough.
It took weeks to decide what picture to paint..
I went through ideas such as...
Mr Men and Little Miss,
Little Britain,
Super heroes,
and many more but settled on the traditional...
The Beach Scene!

Ok so still had to work out how to draw it..
With the help of Love is I came up with the design...

OK, so I had the sketch on the pad...
It had to some how get onto a HUGE piece of MDF.

This is where I was soooooo glad to own a projector!!
A little charcoal and the magic of the projector and....

And we have a similar picture on the board.
Now to paint it....

I actually think it turned out pretty good.
Yes it is very basic but hey, I have not drawn anything for years!

Hopefully the weather will hold out on Monday.

Friday, 15 July 2011

Run, Run as fast as you can.......

You can't catch me I'm from the West Clan!

OK, so it was sports day at our children's school earlier this week.
This year was rather nice as it wasn't too hot and it didn't poor with rain.
A nice happy medium!

The children did a fabulous job...
from running double laps around the whole field...
to egg and spoon races.
All took part....
except for our youngest....
although he did shout for his big brothers and sisters a good amount!

The little cutie loves seeing his big brothers and sisters!
The children who are not at school yet found ways of entertaining themselves..

 They had alot of fun running around in circles and playing tag with new friends.

The older children sat nicely waiting for their turns to race.

But when they did get their chance they gave it all they had!

OK so there was alot of waiting....

And a little disappointment when the race was over....
and more energy to use.

They all did a wonderful job....
In the words of one young man..
They were all IMMENSE!

Saturday, 9 July 2011

Love a good storm in the summer....

Yesterday we had a fabulous storm!
I really do think storms in the Summer are fabulous.

We love to sit with the back door open when it pours and listen while we eat,
The bathroom window open with the relaxing pitter patter of rain while you soak in the bath.
The dusky smell of summer rain, you only get in England.

The cooling wonder of a thunderstorm when it's hot and hummid,
Dancing in the rain,
Splashing in puddles with the children.
Behaving like a child with your wellies on and a special someone to splash about with.
Camping while the rain drums on your tent creating a relaxing trance.

Yep, We love the rain!

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, 7 July 2011

Laughs, giggles and a pinch of lovliness...

OK, so I finally finished backing up my system and archiving sessions!
Also done with the leaflet designing... that's gone to the printer to, well print!!
So that meant that this afternoon/ evening was left open to edit....Yay!
(I know alot of use of exclamation marks, but I am pleased that all the above is done)

So here they are, a selection from Saturdays Session...

This was such a fun family to work with...

There is something just perfect about a Mummy - Daughter relationship...

So sweet!

I love the innocence of little girls, 
They have a whole world of there own!

One way to cheer up a child fed up of having her photo taken!

 Maybe I am a bit of a romantic but this next one is my favorite,
I love it!

Looks fab in B&W too!

Thanks for looking!