Well it’s official- baby number five is going to be a girl. Woohoo!
Becky has already been out shopping for pink and has been ordering the fabrics for her blanket. Lots of dresses, frills and cuteness!
Now what shall we call her? We have a few options but would love some suggestions. We want more unusual names but the most important criteria is that it has to be beautiful.
Oh, and there was some not so good news- baby girl has some cysts on her left kidney. Unless these clear up by the next scan (early June) she faces the loss of that kidney. If the cysts spread to the other kidney (rare from what we hear, thankfully) the condition will be “incompatible with life”.
you can see the three cysts here (poor thing) The worst thing is that there is nothing we can do but wait for the next test, and even then there is little that can be done.