Sunday, 27 January 2008

Micah is One!

I can hardly believe that Micah has turned one. It seems like only a week ago that Becky was waddling around praying that he would come out. Where does the time go?

Micah is now a cheeky little monkey who loves to wrestle with his dad (more like jump on his head or whack him with the TV remote) or play with his siblings.

While not walking yet, Micah is speedy with his crawling. He has just started to stand unsupported, so we are hopeful that toddling will ensue shortly…

Christmas Day 2007 in Pictures

A happy New Year to you all. With wonder as to what this new year will bring, I have been reminiscing the year gone by. A new child, more kids starting school, church burning down… a lot of crazy events! Here’s to a new year… I wonder what it will bring?

Christmas day was awesome. Too many presents again- less per child but more as a total (Santa keeps forgetting that we are a family of six now so space in our front room is at a premium). Maybe he will remember next year (especially as presents for the older ones become more expensive but less bulky).